Yoga Intensive Week - 2019 - Quinta da Calma, Algarve
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The Masters Sváminí Chandra Shakti Deví, Párvatí Deví, Gangá Deví and Sítá Deví
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Sat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája
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H.H. Sat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája's Sádhaná
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H.H. Sat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája's Sádhaná
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Súrya Namaskára - Master Sitá Deví
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Súrya Namaskára - Master Párvati Deví
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Súrya Namaskára - Master Gangá Deví
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Observation of the Stars (and Moon) - Master Sváminí Chandra Shakti Deví
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Observation of the Stars (and Moon) - Master Sváminí Chandra Shakti Deví
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Prána and Beach - Pratices on the Beach
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Prána and Beach
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The Main Classic Composers - Works (Prof. Govinda Ánanda)
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Sitar Recital - Prof. Sarasvatí Shankar
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Omkára (Prof. Govinda Ánanda, Prof. Indra Deví, Instr. Chintámani)
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The Secretes of the Little Great Beings of the Future (Master Gangá Deví)
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Developing the Artistic Mental - Instr. Svárupa
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Developing the Artistic Mental - Prof. Vyása
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Developing the Artistic Mental - Master Párvati Deví
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Closing Sat Sanga
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Closing Sat Sanga - Máyá Theatre
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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Intensive Yoga Week - 2019
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