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Desfile de bandeiras no Plenário de Abertura liderado pelos Índios Nativos Americanos
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Desfile de bandeiras no Plenário de Abertura liderado pelos Índios Nativos Americanos
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Com Mary Nelson (organizadora do Parliament of World's Religions)
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Com Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, Presidente do Parliament of the World's Religions
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Conferência do Guru Jí : Seeing from Above
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Conferência do Guru Jí : Seeing from Above
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Conferência do Guru Jí : Seeing from Above
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Conferência do Guru Jí : Seeing from Above
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Apresentação das Disciplinas Técnicas do Yoga
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Apresentação das Disciplinas Técnicas do Yoga
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Apresentação das Disciplinas Técnicas do Yoga
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Apresentação das Disciplinas Técnicas do Yoga
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Apresentação das Disciplinas Técnicas do Yoga
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Com Jane Goodall (primatóloga que estudou os Gorilas)
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Parliament of the World's Religions 2015 - USA, Salt Lake City
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Com Robert Preston Sellers, próximo organizador do Parliament of the World's Religions
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Com Jonathan Granoff, membro da World Academy of Art and Science - USA
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Com Bhikkhu Sanghasena - Índia, Leh-Ladakh
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Com Shrí Madhavpriyadas Svámin Jí - Gurukul, Índia
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Com Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi - Índia
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Com Marianne Williamson, Escritora - USA
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Com Sanjay Wijesekera, Director da WASH UNICEF - USA
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Com Brahma Kumaris
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Temple Square - Salt Lake City, USA
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Temple Square - Salt Lake City, USA
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Temple Square - Salt Lake City, USA